Question: What is a Gloucestershire Old Spot? Answer: A Breed of Pig Question: Which breed of cow is the biggest producer of milk in the UK? Answer: Holstein Question: What name is used to describe a chicken that is bred entirely for its meat? Answer: A Broiler Question: Which breed of sheep is usually found in the English Lake District? Answer: Herdwick Question: What was the first breed of animal known to have been domesticated as a source of food? Answer: Sheep Question: In the 1950’s and 1960’s many farm tractors ran on a fuel that was known as TVO. What does TVO stand for?? Answer: Tractor Vaporization Oil TVO, as a fuel, is similar to paraffin. Question: What name is given to the type of animal, common amongst farm animals, that have four stomachs? Answer: Ruminants Question: What colour is the face of a Suffolk Sheep? Answer: Black Question: What is the underside of a horse’s hoof called? Answer: The Frog Question: In farming, what is the name of the process where there is a loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil? Answer: Leaching Question: Which country is the world’s biggest producer of wheat? Answer: China Question: How many acres are there in a hectare? Answer: The simple answer is 2½acres; the precise answer is 2.47105 acres Question: On average, how many grains of wheat are there in a ton (or tonne)? Answer: Around 20 million Question: What is the name of the process of pulling a deep tine through the ground to remove compaction? Answer: Subsoiling Question: Which of the following is hay, straw or silage?
Answers: Each answer is either Hay, Straw or Silage.
Question: In fertiliser, what does N P K stand for? Answer: Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash. Question: Grass Staggers in Cattle and Sheep is caused by a deficiency of which mineral? Answer: Magnesium
For further questions on subjects related to Farming visit: Farm Animals, Equine, Pets, Horse Racing & Equestrian Sports