Question: Who was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury by Henry II but was later murdered as a result of a mis-understanding of the King’s motives? Answer: Thomas Becket Question: Which King of England is seen as the founder of English Common Law? Answer: Henry II Amongst other reforms, he established Assizes, created writs as a means of transferring land and he attempted to align church law with that of the country. Question: Name the two sons of Henry II who both became Kings of England. Answer: Richard I (The Lion Heart) and king John Question: Which King of England imprisoned his wife for fifteen years? Answer: Henry II Eleanor of Aquitaine was held in prison until his death after which she reigned on behalf of her son, Richard I (The Lion heart) while he was away on the Crusades. Question: What is the origin of England’s Three Lions? Answer: Heraldic emblem of the Plantagenet Kings of England This stems from Henry II the first Plantagenet King of England. Question: What is the origin of the Cross of St George on the England flag? Answer: The Crusades In 1188 Henry II of England and Philip II of France agreed to go on a crusade with England using a white cross and France a red cross. At some unknown point during the Medieval period England exchanged the white cross for the red-on-white cross. Question: Who was the first King of England to invade and take control of Ireland? Answer: Henry II Question: Which Anglo-Norman Lord during the reign of Henry II became synonymous (largely as a mercenary) with the conflicts in Ireland largely as a result of an invitation from Dermot MacMurrough, the King of Leinster? Answer: Richard Strongbow Question: Who was the mother of King Henry II of England? Answer: Matilda Sometimes known as Empress Matilda. She was the daughter of King Henry I of England who was the youngest son of William the Conqueror
Henry II “Henry Plantagenet”
King of England