His reign of 72 years is the longest of any French Monarch and remains the longest of any European Monarch.
Question: Who is the longest reigning Monarch of France and, indeed, the longest reigning of all European Monarchs? Answer: Louis XIV He reigned for 72 years having inherited the throne at the age of just four. Question: By what nickname is Louis XIV of France usually referred to in history? Answer: The Sun King He is also sometimes referred to as Louis the God-Given and Louis the Great Question: What is the name of the Palace built by Louis XIV? Answer: Versailles Question: Louis XIV was just four years old when he became King of France. Who ruled as his First Minister for the initial period of his reign? Answer: Cardinal Richelieu Question: To which Royal Family did Louis XIV of France belong? Answer: House of Bourbon Question: In 1700, Louis XIV claimed the Spanish throne. This would lead to a major European war. What was the name of that war? Answer: The War of Spanish Succession Question: Who was the second of the two Chief Ministers that effectively ruled France during Louis XIV’s childhood? Answer: Cardinal Mazarin Question: In 1685, which Edict did Louis XIV revoke thus abolishing all rights of Protestants in France? Answer: Edict of Nantes Question: By what name are the persecuted Protestants of 17th and 18th Century France known? Answer: Huguenots
Louis XIV
King of France 1643 to 1715